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How Does Solar Work?

Solar power is simple, right? It works by taking the energy from the sun’s rays and converting it into electricity. Actually, the process has a lot more to it. It is important to understand how each of the components work power your home.
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Sun Provides Sunlight

The sun provides photons of light that hit cells on a panel. If conductors are attached to the positive and negative sides of a cell, it forms an electrical circuit. When electrons flow through such a circuity, they generate electricity.

Power Sent to Inverter

The electricity from the solar panels makes its way to the inverter. The inverter turns DC electricity (raw power) into AC electricity (usable power).

Solar Battery Storage

Solar storage batteries work by taking that excess electricity and storing it. The stored solar energy can be used to complement power from the grid at night or to power essential appliances during a power outage.

AC Electricity Power

With a grid-tied system, the AC electricity will supply your home and its appliances first, as needed. At any moment, if the home’s needs are satisfied, excess electricity from the system is automatically fed into the grid, creating a retail credit with the utility for those units of electricity.

Excess Sent to the Grid

Any unused or surplus solar electricity will be exported to the grid. To do this, your inverter must continually monitor the grid, adjusting your solar electricity to mirror any fluctuations, in order to allow any excess solar electricity to seamlessly flow from your solar PV system to the grid.